Baked Fish with Orzo and Gremolata

Pasta is one of the world’s most popular foods as it is versatile, convenient and satisfying. Did you know that there are more than 350 different types of pasta and about four times that many names for them.


For example, due to its shape, farfalle pasta is often called “butterfly” or “bowtie” pasta. Here in the UK, the pastas we are used to are things like Spaghetti, Penne, Lasagne, Ravioli, Linguine. All these shapes and sizes serve a different purpose, however some look very similar and we may wonder what the difference is.

For example, take Spaghetti and Linguine. There doesn’t seem to be too much difference between the two, other than Linguine is a little flatter. Spaghetti is probably the most well known, and suits meat and vegetable dishes of any sort, and can even be used just with garlic and olive oil. Whereas, linguine is considered to be more luxurious. and the extra surface area means that it is perfect for pairing with lighter textures, like cream based sauces or seafood. 

What about Penne and Rigatoni, again there doesn’t seem to be a great deal of difference. Penne is a tube like structure with diagonal cuts at either end, and is best used for dishes that have a thick creamy sauce as it holds the sauce well. It is also a good pasta to use in baked dishes. Rigatoni are also tubes with small ridges on the outside, but they are slightly wider and cut into a square rather than diagonally. As they are a rather large shape, they are best paired with chunky sauces full of vegetables or baked into a gratin. And the list goes on. It really is quite fascinating when you read up on all the types of pasta there are.

The recipe I am going to share with you today is one of my favourites and uses a pasta called Orzo. Orzo looks like rice but is actually pasta made from a whole grain, semolina, or white flour. This is a perfect summer meal as it is light and low in calories. – ‘Baked fish with orzo and gremolata’.

If, like me when I first saw this recipe, don’t know what gremolata is, it is just a combination of parsley, lemon and garlic.

Heat your oven to 190º, or fan 170º.

Heat 25g butter in non-stick shallow oven proof pan. Cook a bunch of chopped spring opinions until soft.

Then add 200g orzo and 500ml chicken stock.

Simmer for a few minutes until the orzo is almost cooked.

Sit 4 thick skinless pieces of cod or haddock on top, cover with a lid and transfer to the oven.

Cook for 15-20 minutes until the fish is cooked through.

Finally mix, ½ small bunch chopped parsley, 1 zested lemon and ½ clove garlic finely chopped together. Sprinkle over the fish and serve.


Jane Ferguson worked in the food industry and ran her own successful business for six years called ‘Pink Leaf Catering’.  She loves trying new recipes, and believes that delicious healthy food need not be complicated or take hours to make.


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