Community Magazine, Business Directory & Blog

Village Link — proudly supporting Carlisle for more than 12 years!

We are independent publishers of our reliable & entertaining “Village Link” magazine, exclusively for the Carlisle area,
as well as carefully curating digital content for our online audience.

Whether you are looking to source local ‘recommended’ tradespeople, want to ‘love local, shop local‘, want to read blogs on a variety of lifestyle topics or simply want to get to know the person behind the business, this is the place to come for everything ‘Carlisle’.  We’ve worked hard to be a reliable source of local information, and only featuring traders and businesses we know and trust ourselves.


Hyundai Ioniq 6

Is blazing your own path in life, rather than following the crowd, important to you? The curvaceous Hyundai Ioniq 6 with its striking design should appeal to such drivers.

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Art & Culture

Tina Charles – The CBS Years 1975 – 1980

While seventies fashion may well be something we’d prefer to forget, music from decade is a different matter altogether. Although derided by some as a decade of cheesy tunes and here-today-gone-tomorrow pop stars, look more closely and there’s plenty to be proud of.

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Home & Garden

Spring Into Training With Your Dog

At last, after a cold and icy winter, spring is on the horizon. Longer days and brighter weather signal the opportunity for us to get out a bit more with our four legged friends!

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Art & Culture

Cycle Dealers in Carlisle

Pultney Corrie was born in Carlisle in 1856. At first he was a tobacconist but by 1893 he was advertised as a cycle agent in Rickergate…

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