Cycle Dealers in Carlisle

Pultney Corrie was born in Carlisle in 1856. At first he was a tobacconist but by 1893 he was advertised as a cycle agent in Rickergate...


…In February 1894 he took a shop under Lowther House. Corrie remained as a cycle dealer in the street until retirement in 1931. He died in 1954 aged 88. He was just one of many cycle dealers in Lowther Street, others being R Bulmore, J Carruthers, T S Clarke, McNaughton and Metcalfe. T Partington was in the Lowther Arcade. Most came in the Edwardian Period when cycling was most popular. Next to Kings Arms Lane was James ‘Thwaites shop which he occupied from 1912 to 1924.

By the turn of the century motorised bicycles began to appear. In 1903 this three wheeled Quadrant motorcycle was purchased new by John Robson from John Robinson before registration was necessary. In 1904 it was registered AO65. Robinson had previously had a shop on Lowther street but moved to Warwick Road. Later the machine was purchased by Hugh Jackson and this photo was taken in his shop. It was bought by Mr Grandy of Grimsby for restoration before 1950 and took part in a number of London to Brighton runs, being last heard of in 1962.

More information on the many Lowther Street businesses in the late 19th and early 20th century can be found in the book “Lowther Street,” available in local bookshops and on my website

David Ramshaw

David Ramshaw
Author: David Ramshaw


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© Stuart Fraser - Landscape Artist