Underwoods Lemonade Works

Many of you will remember Underwoods lemonade on sale in Carlisle in the 50’s, 60’s when the ’pop’ wagon delivered to your door.


In 1881 Carlisle-born William Underwood established the firm of Underwood’s Mineral Water in Trafalgar Street. In 1888 the firm moved to Junction Street adjacent to Dixon’s Mill. William died in May 1889 aged 54 and his wife Frances was left to manage the business. She planned and built the Crown Works on Junction Street in 1899. Responsibility passed to eldest son John Ewart Underwood who died in 1914. David Underwood took on the management of this and his own business in Maryport.

Embossed bottle showing the Crown works (ringed bottom left)

The firm advertised their business with an embossed picture on a lemonade bottle, one of which I own, such that the very large Dixon’s Mill in the background appeared to be their Crown works, an early example of deceptive advertising? The Crown works is arrowed on the bottle picture.

On the death of Frances in 1919, aged 84, the firm was for sale, but it was saved as a going concern by Thomas Underwood. When bankruptcy threatened in 1925, Sarah Elizabeth Underwood, wife of Thomas, took on the business and oversaw the transfer to Peter Street in the 1930s. Later the firm was taken over by McMichael’s of Eastriggs.  More about the social history of Denton Holme can be found in the book ‘Denton Holme’ available from P3 Publications website, Bookends, Tullie House and Carlisle Visitor Centre.

David Ramshaw

David Ramshaw
Author: David Ramshaw


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© Stuart Fraser - Landscape Artist