Posts in Home & Garden

Pet Worming

Did you know you should worm your adult cats and dogs a minimum of 4 times a year, which is every 3 months?

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Outdoor Fun With Your Dog

Getting out and about with your beloved dog results in fantastic benefits for you both! The increased activity, reduced stress and happier and healthier mindset that results from exercise applies not only to you, but also to your four-legged buddy!

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Treating your dog’s stings

This editions subject is treating your dogs stings, and we hope you find it useful. If you have a dog like ours, they are constantly pushing their noses into places they shouldn’t be. So it is only a matter of time!

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Springtime Advice

After a long, wet and windy winter, spring is finally here! With lighter days and warmer weather, our pets become more active. However, this can bring some health worries.

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A Treat Too Many?

It’s that time of year again when we think about our waistlines and the extra calories we consumed over the festive period.

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Prep for your Spring Garden now!

As we head out of one of the hottest summers on record into the cooler Autumn and Winter months, ensuring our trees and shrubs are primed to cope with the transition, will give your garden a better chance to thrive next Spring.

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Back to School

After 6 weeks of having the family home for the summer holidays, pets can easily forget what it’s like to be away from people for long periods of time.

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Let the Light Through!

Now that the season of spring and summer is upon us, most of us can’t wait to get out in the sunshine, start up the BBQ, have some evening cocktails in the garden., top up on that Vitamin D!

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Wasp landed on a bright yellow flower

Sting Advice

It has been quite noticeable how many dogs and cats are being stung, so we thought we would share some tips put together by our very own inhouse veterinary nurses.

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Hand holding seed with a wild bird landed on the hand

Feeding the Wild Birds

Did you know, not only have we a fantastic range of dog, cat and small mammal foods we also have a large range of bird food and feeders to help encourage wild birds into your garden.

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Large bunch of bright yellow daffodils

The Joys of Spring

I have to admit that spring is my favourite season. This year it represents more than ever hope: the end of a particularly difficult winter for all of us and the advent of longer days and warmer weather.

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Little bug walking on a plant stem biosecurity in the UK

Biosecurity in the UK

It might seem strange to mention Brexit and biosecurity in the same breath; and you might wonder what either of them have got to do with gardening.

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Bright yellow and red tulips


The year was 1637 and in February of that year an auction was held in Holland. 99 lots of tulip bulbs were bid on, and wait for it, they sold for a staggering 90,000 Guilders!

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The Health Benefits of Gardening

I read the other day that one of the largest studies ever conducted on gardening which was funded by Innovate UK and the National Institute for Health Research had concluded that ‘people who spent time in the garden report better physical and mental health levels than those who do not’

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Putting soil into plant pots

The Naming of Plants

Whilst I have been a gardener most of my life, both as a professional and an amateur, there are many people who perhaps through force of recent circumstances have discovered their gardens only now during the lockdown.

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Stanwix – Hysspo Holme Well

Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis), a herb with a usually blue flower, could have been brought by the Romans to Stanwix when the climate was warmer. The herb’s medicinal properties would compliment the healing powers of the water from the well.

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Earl Grey Shortbread Biscuits

According to Wikipedia, since the 18th century, the United Kingdom has been one of the world’s largest tea consumers, and I think we would all agree with that, we do love our tea.

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© Stuart Fraser - Landscape Artist